Dr. Robert G. Carroll, Ph.D.

Phone: 252-744-2132
Fax: 252-744-3460
E-mail: carrollr@ecu.edu
Research Interests
Robert G. Carroll earned his Ph.D. in 1981 under the direction of Dr. David F. Opdyke at the Department of Physiology of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Newark. Following a 3 year post-doc at University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS under the sponsorship of Drs. Thomas E. Lohmeier and Arthur C. Guyton, he moved to East Carolina University in 1984 as an Assistant Professor of Physiology. He is currently Professor of Physiology at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, and holds an administrative appointment as Associate Dean for Medical Student Education.
Back when he did the actual experiments, Rob’s dissertation examined blood pressure regulation in sharks. His postdoctoral work expanded his interests to cardio-renal integration, which remained a theme for 30 years. He has a passion for education, and now his scholarship focuses on the teaching and learning processes.
Rob currently chairs the Education Committee of the International Union of Physiological Sciences and served the American Physiological Society in a variety of roles, chairing the Education Committee and the Teaching Section and editing the journal “Advances in Physiology Education”. He also served on the USMLE Step I Physiology Test Material Development Committee of the National Board of Medical Examiners, and as Secretary for the International Association of Medical Science Educators. In 2002, he was recognized in the inaugural class of Master Educators at the Brody School of Medicine, and as the Arthur C. Guyton Physiology Educator of the Year from the American Physiological Society in 2004. He received the Outstanding Alumni Award from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in 2005, was recognized as a Master Teacher by the International Association of Medical Science Educators in 2013 and the Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award from the Association of American Medical Colleges in 2018. His three children, and now three grandchildren, still question his sanity and judgment.
- B.S. (1976), University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
- Ph.D. Physiology (1981), College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ
- University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi
- Postgraduate Training (1981-1984)
- Instructor (1981-1984)
- East Carolina University School of Medicine, Greenville, NC
- Assistant Professor of Physiology (1984-1990)
- Associate Professor of Physiology (1990-1996)
- Professor of Physiology (1996-date)
- Interim Chair, Department of Comparative Medicine (2005-2006)
- Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs in the Basic Sciences (2011-2015)
- Associate Dean for Medical Student Education (2015-date)
ORCID iD 0000-0002-3965-287X
Scopus Author ID 7201449157
Selected Books
- Elsevier’s Integrated Physiology, by Robert G. Carroll. 2007. Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, ISBN-13:978-0-323-043118-2; ISBN-10: 0-323-04318-6
- Problem-Based Physiology, Robert G. Carroll, 2010. Saunders-Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA ISBN-13 978-1416042174; ISBN-10 1416042172.
Selected Manuscripts
- Chandran DS, Muthukrishnan SP, Barman SM, Peltonen LM, Ghosh S, Sharma R, Bhattacharjee M, Rathore BB, Carroll RG, Sengupta J, Chan JYH, and Ghosh D. IUPS physiology education workshop series in India: Organizational mechanics, outcomes and lessons. Adv Physiol Educ 44 (4):709-721, 2020.
- Carroll RG and Paintal JS. Current status and directions of medical physiology instruction. Suplemento Especial de la Editorial Physiological Mini Reviews sobre Educación 8: 2-9, 2019.
- Templeton K, L Halpern, C Jumper and RG Carroll. Leading and Sustaining Curricular Change: Workshop Proceedings from the 2018 Sex and Gender Health Education Summit. J Women’s Health 28 (12): 1743-1747, 2019.
- Finnerty, E.P., S. W. Chauvin, G. Bonaminio, M. Andrews, R.G. Carroll, L. Pangaro. Flexner Revisited: The Role and Value of the Basic Sciences in Medical Education. Acad. Med. 85 (2): 349-355, 2010.
Selected Professional Affiliations
- American Physiological Society
Chair, Teaching Section (1996-1999)
Chair, Education Committee (2001-2006) - International Association of Medical Science Educators
Board of Directors (1997-1998)
Secretary (1998-2002) - International Union of Physiological Sciences
Member, Commission on Teaching Physiology (1999-2015) - Chair, Education Committee (2015-date)
Professional Service
- External Examiner, University of the West Indies, Kingston Jamaica
MBBS (1999-2006, 2011), BSc Nursing (2000-2002) - National Board of Medical Examiners
USMLE Step 1 Physiology Test Material Development Committee (2001-2003) - Faculty Accreditation Lead, 2018-2020, Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University
- Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Health Professions
- Authority Member, 2019-date