Dr. Alexander K. Murashov, M.D., Ph.D.


Phone: 252-744-3111
E-mail: murashoval@ecu.edu

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Research Interests

My research program is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling developmental changes in susceptibility to neurological and metabolic disorders as well as disease prevention. We are particularly interested in microRNAs (miRNAs), a new class of small non-protein-coding RNAs that control gene expression post-transcriptionally by binding to various mRNA targets. We have two major research focuses in the lab:

  1. Epigenetic effect of western diet and exercise on offspring susceptibility to neurological and metabolic disorders.
  2. Role of miRNAs in molecular mechanisms of neuronal injury and axon regeneration.

Our lab uses translational, genomic, and proteomic approaches and genetically manipulated Drosophila and mouse models to understand how changes in parental bioenergetics influence offspring susceptibility to neurodegeneration, and metabolic dysfunction.


  • Professor (2021-present)
    Associate Professor (2006-2021)
    Assistant Professor (1999-2006)
    Department of Physiology
    Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University
    Greenville, NC
  • Associate Research Scientist (1995-1999)
    Postdoctoral Scientist (1992-1995)
    Columbia University,
    New York, NY, USA
  • NHMRC Research Officer (1990-1992)
    Griffith University
    Brisbane, Australia
  • Visiting Scientist (1990)
    Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine
    University of Melbourne
  • Group Leader, Stress Physiology (1988-90)
    P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology
    Academy of Medical Sciences
    Moscow, Russia
  • Assistant Professor (1987-1988)
    Department of Normal Physiology,
    Sechenov 1st Medical Institute,
    Ministry of Health,
    Moscow, Russia
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology (1987)
    P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology
    Academy of Medical Sciences
    Moscow, Russia
  • Doctor of Medicine in Pediatrics (1983)
    N.I. Pirogov 2nd Moscow Medical Institute
    Ministry of Health
    Moscow, Russia

Recent Publications

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